halooo semuaaa hihi long time no see yaa hahaha, hmm padahal gue lagi liburan looh but males aja gitu rasanya ngpost and update blog saya ini hih kasian tak ku rawat kau blog ku, hmm okok intinya sekarang gue lagi ada mood buat ngetik and update my blog tersayang ini *zz lebay. hmm pertama gue mau ucapin selamat berpuasa yaaa hm walaupun udh mau lebaran bentar lagi so i wanna apologize to you guys about so many mistakes i have maaafiin yaaaaaaaaaaa. oiya hmm kan banyak yaa org2 lagi pada sibuuk mudik eeeh secara gue org jakarta asli ga pernah deh ada tradisi mudik haha biarin deh yang penting jakartaaaa legaaaaaaaaaa ga macet kaya biasanya haha kan pada pulang kampung ya kan hmm seandainya aja ya pada mudik terus tiap bulan hehehe :P udh deh segitu aja yaa hmm if you wanna meet me haha pede mampus you can meet me on msn or twitter just follow me okeee byeeeeeeeeeee all
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Friday, August 28, 2009
hmm males
aduuuh lagi males nih ng-update blog sumpah deh yaaa krn lagi yaaa kaya blog gue yg sebelumnya gue tuh lagi hmm bisa dibilang kecanduan deh ya sama yg namanya twitter hoho so gue bingung nih mau update apa yaa haha oiya gue kan lagi mau uts nih jadi yaaa harus semnagat juga and belajar jgn lupa hahaha doain yaa guys biar nilai2 gue ga ada yg remed and baguuus semua amiiiinamiin yarabbal alamin hihi okeeeeee
Thursday, August 20, 2009
males sibuk capek bosen
hoalaaah banyaknya problem yee hahaha yaa gtu deh gue emng lg males sibuk capek and bosen hmm yang pasti sih sibuuk KI and osis trus bosen aja yaaa sama keadaan yg gini2 ajaand akhir2 ini gue males ngpost plus cepet capek gan haha yaaa gtu deh ya pokoknya jadi gue gabisa ngpost banyak nih cuma mau say hello aja sebenernya hehe oiya besok gue kan ke snowbay sama anggun and hani so i will tell you about *lebay deh zz yaa pokoknya gtu deh sabar aja yaa guys muaaaaaah hoho
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
muse rilis album unik bgt
hmm sebenernya sih yaa ini post-an gue yg agak iseng soalnya tadi abis baca2 berita musik gitu gue baca kalo muse tuuuh band yg pernah dateng ke indo bakal rilis album mereka but unik banget mereka ngrilis albumnya hmm udah kaya main detektif2an gitu haha but yaa patut diacungin jempol juga sih yaa atas ide kreatif mereka biar penikmat musik ga bosen juga ama cara pemusik ngrilis aklbum yg standar yaa itu2 aja hehe so okeeee gini nih yaaa cerita dimulai kenpa gue bilang unik dan kaya main detektif2an soalnya tuh Muse yang tahun 2009 ini kembali lagi dengan album baru yang bertitel "The resistance". Dan single perdananya yang bertitel "United States OF Eurasia" dirilis dengan cara single "United States OF Eurasia" dibagi menjadi enam bagian yang masing-masing bagiannya dimasukan kedalam 6 buah flashdisk / USB Stick. Dan USB Stick ini disebar di 4 kota yaitu Berlin, Moskow, Dubai dan Paris. Dimana para agents itu akan mencari USB dikota tersebut. Setiap USb Stick itu ada sebuah kode yg harus dimasukkin kedalam situs Ununitedeurasia.muse.mu n setelah dimasukkin nanti bakal muncul sebuah teka teki n kalo bisa dilewati teka teki tersebut, baru dehUSB Stick itu bisa dibuka dan ditemukan potongan lagu "United States Of Eurasia". Sementara untuk menemukan USB Stick tersebut, ada petunjuk-petunjuk yang akan muncul di situs Ununitedeurasia.muse.mu , sampe saat ini, USb Sticks yang disembunyiin di kota Paris udah ditemuin n udah dibuka dan hasilnya adalah 36 detik bagian lagu "United States Of Eurasia". Selain itu, USB sticks di Berlin udah ditemuin, tapi sampe saat ini belum bisa dibuka and USB Sticks di Dubai dan Moskow sampe saat ini juga masih belum ditemukan ckck repot banget yaa haha. but FYI, Album Muse teranyar yang bertitel "The Resistance" bakal dirilis 14 September 2009 mendatang. Selain itu, MUSE juga akan tampil untuk pertama kalinya di Ajang MTV VMA 2009 tanggal 13 September 2009 yang pas banget sehari sebelum perilisan album terbarunya . but yang adi pertanyaan . Apa iyaUSB Sticks tersebut bakal segera ditemuin n dibuka kuncinya. Supaya sebelum rilis single ajaib "United States Of Eurasia" bisa didengerin sama org2 banyak terutama pengemar2 muse? hmm kita tunggu tanggal mainnya aja yaaa semoga sih cara unik buat ngerilis album yang satu ini lancar2 aja haha amiiin deh yaaa :)
Friday, August 7, 2009
yipiii hahaha jadi gini ceritanya kawan2, disekolah gue itu karna berhubung boarding jadi kan bareng2 gtu yaaa satu atap deh tepatnya and kalo ulang tahun mesti hati2 deeh soalnya surpeise bisa terjadi dimana mana and bisa terjadi dgn bentuk apapun juga hahah so waspada deeh, okok contohnya yaa gue kan gue ultah tuh pas 2 agt and kn gue komdis a.k.a komisi disiplin di asrama putri so gue nghukum anak2 yg nglanggar but gue sempet disalahin dibilang curang gitu deh ga adil so gue aga emosi tuh sama wali asuh asrama gue yaa akhirnya gue terima aja tuh ya lari2 ngiterin satu asrama eeh tapi pas gue lari ke putaran yg ke2 gue diguyur pake air sabun plus pake terigu huff untug ga pake telor wkwkwk abisitu gue langsung kageeet bgt sumpah hahaha emng sih dari pertama udah agak mikir yaa soalnya kok ada yg ga beres gtu ex, tmen satu kamar gue mukanya jutek to the maxx trus tiba2 izni marah2 gitu tnp alesan yg masuk akal menurut gue haha but i'm so happy guys i love you full deh pokonya hehehehe seneng rasanya yaa punya temen2 kaya kalian hihi :D
Saturday, August 1, 2009
weeew okok 2 agustus NOW and yeaaah my birthday hehe, i'm so happy first.. My father give me something huaah make me so happy because that something is so special and i'm waiting to get it hehe thanks so much dad love you, and something happen in my birthday now is i must realize how much mistake i have and i do in my life huff fell so dumb but i must learn to be better and i hope i will do it, oiya my friends thaaaaaanks so much to be my best friends, so lucky to be your friend guys and my family so many many thanks for you all and the last ILYSM :))
sky avenue
hiyaaaa SERUUUUU paraaaah haha bener deh yaaa tuh acara tuh keren bgt, two thumbs up bgt deh buat labsky especially panitianya hehe, okok gue review dulu yaa perjalanan gue hmm jadi gini kan yaa pertama2 gue tuh pergi dulu ma keluarga ke itc permata hijau gtu mau beli somethinglah yaaa wkwkw yaudah kira2 jam satuan gue dianterin nyampe ps and di ps udah ada hani, rika, icha, dtyo, and helmy sooo kt jalan2 bntar gtu trus nongkrong di mcd and then indira n iqbal pun dtg trus yaudah nunggu mrka makan juga di fc truuuus ga lama si mirza n andhika jg dtg eeeeh rombongan big family juga dtg yaitu si callista, alia, ayu, diki eeeeh si akmal jg dtg pas terakhir huaaag banyak bgt sumpah itu yaaa rame bgt haha yaudah abis ngumpul di fc kita jalan deh yaa ke senci berhubung dkeeet so jalan kaki deh hahaha yaudah smpe senci gue ma callista beli buka kas osis dulu trus ngumpul jg di fc senci haha eh si syarif pun dtg nyusul tb2 beeeh bisakah kalian bayangkan betapa ramenya itu tmpat hahaha yaudahlah bidi yang penting rame, truuus gue nghubungin tmen smp gue si adri yang gu nitip tket pre sale nya ma dya ok lanjut ga lama lgsg aja capcus ke sky avenue di senayan, weeeh nyampe2 anak gaauuuul semua hahaha bnr deh rame parh boo trus kita masuk kan ya tuuh but helmy gaikut katanya ada urusan gt deh yoweslaaah, hmmm sumpah itu rame bgt yaudah kita kepanggungnya yg di dlm n senegnya gue lagi itu panggung indor boo jadi adem deh yeee hihi, yang paling ditunggu2 emg siapa lagi kalo bukan maliq trus gue juga ntn smpe maliq doang terus plg brg rika n hani, mreka emng nginep dirmh gue juga sih hehe gtu dulu aja yaa ceritanya pegel gue ngpost di hp nih hahahaha :D
Saturday, July 25, 2009
open happiness
haloooo kawaaan2 semuaa hahaha hmm gni nih yaaa gue lagi suka bgt sama lagu yaaaaa judulnya open happiness by Brendon Urie, Patrick Stump, Travis McCoy, Cee-Lo Green and Janelle Monae, pokoknya lagunya tuh seru and asik bgt buat di denger yaaa itu sih menurut gue hihi video clipnya juga aduuh lucu deh apalagi brendon urie nyaa huaaaaa lucu to the maaaaaaaaxxx hahaha
Sunday, July 19, 2009
boys before flowers
yup mungkin sebagian dari kalian tahu yaa apa itu bbf yaaa bagi yg gatau baca aja postingan gue ttg bff haha tapi buat org2 awam and pgen tahu cerita lanjutannya yg daripada nunggu lama di tv bayangin yaa 25 episode blm aja chapter2nya tuuh harus ditunggu di tv yg cuma 2 hari seminggu lagi haha maaf yaa ga maksud buat ngritik bgt kok hihi cuma yaa terlalu lama aja buat nunggunya jadi kebnyakan org2 kan udh pada beli dvdnya or download gitu saking ga sabarnya hehe. okok maksud gue posting ini tuh buat share sama lo web apa yg bisa lo tonton deh tuh yaaaa serial drama boys before flowers a.k.a bff pluuus special edition "5 years later after story"... hmm selain youtube ini nih yg udh pasti subtitlenya english juga haha http://www.mysoju.com/boys-before-flowers/ soook atuuh tonton hahahaha segitu aja deh yee bye.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
bloody friday
okok post pertama gue ini bakal aga emosi to the maxx nih soalnya ada orang yang kejam bin jahanam bin banci bin apalah pokonya yg jelek2 huaa kesel bgt gue tau ga yaaa lo gara2 bom dijakarta tuh MU ga dtg and ga jadi dtg tepatnya gara2 org yg ga bertanggung jawab and cuma punya pikiran sempit and dangkal padahal tuh yaa lagi tenang2 juga and baru mau memperbaiki nama indo di dunia olahraga terutama dgn dtgnya MU eeeh ini gara2 banci tuh si teroris atau apalah yg ga berani nunjukin siapa dirinya and gajelas and ga ada guna bgt coba lo ngbom ngbooom hah alaaaah bloody you!!!!!! bayangin nih yaaa org2 ga bersalah tuh malah yg kena coba di jumat pagi yaaampuuun org2 lagi siap2 juga buat mulai hari2nya tapi malah hari itu or pagi itu tepatnya dimulai dgn kejutan bom and akhirnya mereka memulai pagi itu di rumah sakit omg sadiiiiiiissss bgt bener2 tuh org2 yg ga punya hati yaaaaa, mau ngbuat indo terpuruk di mata dunia gitu? yaAllah apa sih salah negara ini knp harus ada kejadian and org2 kaya gitu didunia ini? tobatlah kalian... ga ada guna tau berbuat kaya gitu, ngbuat banyak org menderita and ngebuat banyak air mata jatuh akan kejadian itu, so mulai sekarang gerakan anti teroris dimulaaaaaaaiiiiii lebih panas lagi and pastinya gue cuma mau kasih advice aja buat org2 yg kaya gitu yaaa sebenernya apa sih yg bikin kalian bangga akan hal ini hah? bayangin deh kalo keluarga kalian yg jadi salah satu korbannya gimana apa yg bakal kalian lakuin??? bakal sedih and bakal mau ngbunuh balik tuh orgg kaaaan? betapa sedihnya pasti org2 yg ditinggalin itu oh my god ga bisa bayangin deh betapa sedihnya ckckck gue cuma bisa berdoa semoga mereka yg ditinggalkan diberikan ketabahan and kesabaran and buat org yg menjadi korban semoga diterima disisi Allah amiiiiiin yarabbal alamin :)). pokoknya ayoo indonesia tetep semangat and perangi terus terorisme and gue yakin bgt kok kalo indonesia pasti bisa jadi negara kebanggan yg sgt amat dibanggain oleh bangsanya sendiri so cayooo indonesia I LOVE YOU! indonesia pasti BISA!!!! :D
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
drama korea (Y)
omaygat guyssss you know yaaaa ada drama korea gitu yg bikin gue kesemsem abiis hahaha lagian sih yaa pemerannya itu looh cowok2nya ganteng2 pisan eey hahaha hmm emang sih ceritanya gitu kaya meteor garden and blabla pokoknya f4 gitu deh tapi ini ngikutin yg japan nya aduuuh terserah deh ceritanya kaya gimana yg bikin gue gemes tuh yaaa pemerannya itu hahaha hmm okok nih i give you little sinopsis from boys before flowers
* Title: 꽃보다 남자 / Kgotboda Namja
* Also known as: Boys Before Flowers / Boys Over Flowers
* Genre: Romance, comedy
* Episodes: 25
* Related Series: Meteor Garden, Hana Yori Dango, Liu Xing Yu
* OST: Boys Before Flowers OST, Boys Before Flowers OST 2, Boys Before Flowers OST 2.5
Cast :
* Koo Hye Sun as Geum Jan Di
* Lee Min Ho as Goo Joon Pyo
* Kim Hyun Joong as Yoon Ji Hoo
* Kim Bum as So Yi Jung
* Kim Joon as Song Woo Bin
Synopsis.. Jan Di is an average girl whose family owns a dry cleaning store located near the luxurious and well known Shin Hwa College. Jan Di meets the four richest and most spoiled boys known as the F4. After saving a boy from jumping off the roof of Shinhwa High School, she is admitted into the school on a swimming scholarship. Jan Di tries to avoid confrontation with the F4 at all cost because she knows what happens to those that stand against them. However, when Jan Di's friend, Oh Min Ji, accidentally gets ice cream on the leader of the F4's shoes, she's forced to declare war on the leader of the F4, Goo Joon Pyo.
and siapa yg laing bikin gue jatuh cinta nan betah nonton nih dramaaa? haha jawabannya yaa kim bum as so yi jun omg gantengnya to the maxxxxxxxxxxx boo haha niih yaa liat saksikan dan apa yg anda rasakaaan? hahaha
hahahaha gimana gimana? hmm kalo masih kurang banyak cari sendiri aja deh di google yaaa hehehe enjoy :))
* Title: 꽃보다 남자 / Kgotboda Namja
* Also known as: Boys Before Flowers / Boys Over Flowers
* Genre: Romance, comedy
* Episodes: 25
* Related Series: Meteor Garden, Hana Yori Dango, Liu Xing Yu
* OST: Boys Before Flowers OST, Boys Before Flowers OST 2, Boys Before Flowers OST 2.5
Cast :
* Koo Hye Sun as Geum Jan Di
* Lee Min Ho as Goo Joon Pyo
* Kim Hyun Joong as Yoon Ji Hoo
* Kim Bum as So Yi Jung
* Kim Joon as Song Woo Bin
Synopsis.. Jan Di is an average girl whose family owns a dry cleaning store located near the luxurious and well known Shin Hwa College. Jan Di meets the four richest and most spoiled boys known as the F4. After saving a boy from jumping off the roof of Shinhwa High School, she is admitted into the school on a swimming scholarship. Jan Di tries to avoid confrontation with the F4 at all cost because she knows what happens to those that stand against them. However, when Jan Di's friend, Oh Min Ji, accidentally gets ice cream on the leader of the F4's shoes, she's forced to declare war on the leader of the F4, Goo Joon Pyo.
and siapa yg laing bikin gue jatuh cinta nan betah nonton nih dramaaa? haha jawabannya yaa kim bum as so yi jun omg gantengnya to the maxxxxxxxxxxx boo haha niih yaa liat saksikan dan apa yg anda rasakaaan? hahaha
hahahaha gimana gimana? hmm kalo masih kurang banyak cari sendiri aja deh di google yaaa hehehe enjoy :))
Sunday, July 5, 2009
tarix jabrix2 premiere
yuhuuuuuu haha gue dapet free ticket doong yaaa nonton premiere TJ2 haha di planet hollywood kan yee tuh dari si hani and hani dari bokapnya hmm thx yaa om hehe :) . ok gini2 ceritanya yaa berhubung kan acara dimulai jam 7 so hani kerumah gue dulu abis itu dianter nanti smpe ph jadi si hani dtg jam 1an or jam2an gitu gue lupa hihi teruuus dia koki mode on gitu dah yaa akhirnya jadilah makanan istimewa yaituu pizza mie hahaha sederhana tapi mengenyangkan looh and then gak ketinggalan buat bikin tmbah melek and seger gue beli deh es buah deket rumah haha maknyuuus dah pokoke and lanjuuut gue ganti baju krn udh jam 5an gitu teruus capcus deh dienter pke mobil gue ke ph and pas nympe2 ph beeeeh para changcuntrangers rame pisan eey haha jadi agak minder gue hehe yaudah deh abis itu gue ma hani beli minuman terus nukeer tiket and finally nonton juga akhirnya and dpt kursi yaa lumayan pewe lah bos yaudah film dimulaiii and theeen ngakak dah gue ma hani sumpah kocak lo harus nonton deeh and pas ntn tuh film langsung deh falling in love gue sama si kembar ciko coki alias alda qibil hahaha sumpah mereka lucu bgt yaaa bajunya kembar mulu and lucu2 lagi bikin mupeng deh ah guys yaa pokoknya totally funny deh filmnya oiya pas abis nonton dpt goodie bag gitu deh dari panitia gitu yaa lumayanlaaah and pas keluar bioskop gue ketemu ramon, lala lili, banyak artis lainnya and sayaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaang seribu sayaaaaaaaaang gue gak ketemu changcutersnya hiks hiks :( yaa nasib sih soalnya hani buru2 kan bokapnya tuh yg jemput jadi gue ikt krn dya ga bisa pulang mlm2 soalnya mau ke bandung bsknya hiiiiii sedih memang but so far so good lah yaa and thx berat yaa haniiiii udh invite gue hehe salam gauuul jeng cing haha :D
Saturday, July 4, 2009
awesome singer and cute
hmm i'm falling in love now!! hahaha yeaah it's true you know guys he is so wonderful and so cute of course hoaaah aaaand his voice so make me over about him haha percaya gaa? hmm gue sih gitu yaa pas denger and liat nih video oiya visit official webnya deeh ni gue kasih http://www.mitchmusso.com/ and denger aja lagu2nya but yg gue pertanyakan sekarang tuh albumnya udh ada di indonesia blm yaa? hmm gue cek deh nanti mudah2an aja ada hihi so cek this video yaa
hey by mitchel musso
if i didn't have you by mitchel musso ft emily osment
sindrom malas ckck
hehehe yaaa pertama gue mau bilang kalo why i said sindrom malas because when holiday is started hmmm perasaan malas itu datang daaaaaaaan gue pun tergoda (halah bahasa gue) yaa emng bener abis nyokap gue aja smpe bilang "TIDUR MULU! udh kaya org sakit aja maleeees bgt emng yaa nih anak" hmm hahaha maaaaaaf mom yaaa namanya juga anak muda mau gimana lagi dong yaa hehe so gue tetep ngjalanin kemalasan gue seperti yaa bgun siang (dgn penuh perjuangan and harus kebal trhdp omelan emak gua HAHA) teeruus bgun2 gue sarapan (zz gimana ga bebentuk gini yaa gue hoalah) yaa lanjut tidur2an smbil ntn tv eeh lanjut deh main laptop yaa trus mandi lanjut lagi laptop lanjut lagi tdur hoaalaaah rutinitas yg aga membosankan kawan2 tapi mengasikkan haha hmm mungkin ada yg nanya yaa "knp lo ga jalan aja ay?" yaaaa asal lo tau aja deh duit gue udh runyam abiiis minggu2 prtama liburan gue jalan mulu ga ada capeknya and belaga punya duit banyak kali yee wkwk and what happen next? kena gejala kanker deh gue a.k.a kantong kering hihi so mingu2 ini gue lagi nabung buat nti jalan lagi hoho yaa daripada gue bermalas2an adanya gue tmbh kena omel nyokap gue mulu lagi mending gue refreshing gitu looh hahaha apadeh gue yaaa pokoknya gitu deh kawan2 sindrom malas itu tak akan terhindar deh kalo kita libuuur apalagi libuuuuuraaaaaaaaan panjang kayak gini hahaha yegaak? akuin ajalah hehe sotoy mode on gue pokoknya gitu deh yaudah lah yaa byee kawan2 ku semua and thx yaa udh baca blog saya ini big THANKS and big SMILE for you ALL :D
Thursday, July 2, 2009
like this
heeey all hmm now i wanna share about what i got from youtube huaa so amazing and i feel free, enjoy when i watch and listen this video i hope you so and can feel like i feel when i watched this video but now i wanna describe about this video yaa this video is remake from my favorite singer and actres too yup she is miley cyrus hit "the climb" and in this video david (omg i love this guy when he playing a piano weew so cool) and ahmir cs very very amazing for remake miley's hit and now enjoy the video
mainan baru
heey guys hmm gue mau share nih yaa gue punya mainan baruu looh hahaha mau tau ga apaa yaa seru sih tapi mungkin bagi yg tertarik didunia fashion n lifestyle gitu nih okok daripada bacot mulu gue nya nih gue kasih alamatnya http://looklet.com/ enjoooy yaa hihi
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
can't wait huaaaaaaaaa!!
harry potter and the half-blood prince is coming to world on july huaaaa seriously i can't waiiit haha and when i watched trailer of this movie huaaaaaa i feel so weeew and i wanna watch this movie hmm i hope harry potter5 can make me so falling in love so more and more hahaha lebaaaay zz -.-
hey guys check this video trailer and what do you think? haha
hey guys check this video trailer and what do you think? haha
sotoy mode on
hehe yaa ini emang posting iseng2an gue aja krn hmm gue udh aga bosen dgn rutinitas yg itu2 aja yaa sebut sajalah namanya ONLINE -.- kalo mau lebih spesifik lagi sih kita sebuuuut sajaaa FACEBOOK iyaa tuh si muka buku tuh yee lama2 kok jadi terlalu over hmm bukan over situsnya tapi org2 yg jadi member di tuh situs (hmm gue akuin gue juga dulu ngrasa over and noraaak ma nih situs zz) eiiits anda yg baca postingan saya jg tersingung yaa krn gue sebenernya nulis ini krn ada alsannya buuu hmm mgkin ini sisi dari gue nya yaa yaa abis tiap gue ol byk amat skali status2 yg sbnernyaa -______- make me said "apa deeh zz" masa ampe hal2 sekecil yaaa pikir aja deh yaa sndiri mksdnya apa tapi sorry2 aja nih gan GASEMUA member fb kaya gitu kok, byk yg gunainnya dgn baik n benar so knp gue aga bored sama fb??? yaaa krna n karenaaa fb udh terlalu sering ada dimana2 n update fb aja udh bisa lwt sms wuuh canggih zeeet yaaa lagian nih yaa gue mikir kadang tuh terlalu over n autis bgt ga sih yaa tiap saat kita ol in fb yg padahal tuh ol juga ga guna meeen cuma liat ini ituu yg sbnrnya ga penting padahal kan daripada ol n kita ga chat ga ada yg perlu dibales or dicommentin mending nih ngelakuin sesuatu yg ada manfaat deh or bener2 kalo lo pgen eksiiiis yaudah sih masa mau eksis cuma di dunia maya tapi didunia nyata enggaaa? ya pasti engga kan naaaah saran gue sih drpda fban teruuus mending lo bner2 ktemu tmen2 lo jalan brg kaan itu nyata and i'ts so true meeen haha hm tapi kmbali kediri lo kalo lo ngrasa itu ga ngerugiin lo yaudah deh lakuin yaaa pokoke lakuin dgn hati lo haha sotoy abiiisss gue yaudahlaah yaaa walaupun ada sedikit cucol yaa gpp kan yaa haha so i just wanna share about how much i feel so bored with that hmm udh deh yaaa kesotoyan gue nya berakhir smpe sini aja so babaaaaaay :))
Sunday, June 28, 2009
R.I.P king of pop
Be who you want to be because your life is your future. become who you dream of becoming. Dont let the world stop you. Because if you let them do that. Your letting down one of the greatest.
the late great.
King of pop
Michael Joseph Jackson.
He was amazing.
he still lives on in all of our hearts.
With him leaving it was gods way of saying. Dont worry michael your never going to grow up here... In my neverland.
because thats his plan right?
to never grow up.
Now he never has too.
so if you are all morning his death...
celebrate his life because he got his wish to come true.
he never has to grow old anymore.
he lives in the real neverland.
Fly away. to be young again..
So remember dont let down the king of pop... the living legend.
Success your dreams.
believe in your heart.
because if you succeed michael will be there cheering you on.
he did everything he believed in.
from thriller to childhood.
from black to white.
he succeeded in absolutely EVERYTHING.
Long live Michael Jackson in his ever telling story of NEVERLAND.
rest in peace in never land. :)
the late great.
King of pop
Michael Joseph Jackson.
He was amazing.
he still lives on in all of our hearts.
With him leaving it was gods way of saying. Dont worry michael your never going to grow up here... In my neverland.
because thats his plan right?
to never grow up.
Now he never has too.
so if you are all morning his death...
celebrate his life because he got his wish to come true.
he never has to grow old anymore.
he lives in the real neverland.
Fly away. to be young again..
So remember dont let down the king of pop... the living legend.
Success your dreams.
believe in your heart.
because if you succeed michael will be there cheering you on.
he did everything he believed in.
from thriller to childhood.
from black to white.
he succeeded in absolutely EVERYTHING.
Long live Michael Jackson in his ever telling story of NEVERLAND.
rest in peace in never land. :)
copy from - Krazykiki. ripinl mjj
Think about the generations and to say we want to make it a better
world for our children and our children's children. So that they know
it's a better world for them; and think if they can make it a better
There's a place in your heart
And I know that it is love
And this place could be much
Brighter than tomorrow.
And if you really try
You'll find there's no need to cry
In this place you'll feel
There's no hurt or sorrow.
There are ways to get there
If you care enough for the living
Make a little space, make a better place.
Heal the world
Make it a better place
For you and for me and the entire human race
There are people dying
If you care enough for the living
Make a better place for
You and for me.
If you want to know why
There's a love that cannot lie
Love is strong
It only cares for joyful giving.
If we try we shall see
In this bliss we cannot feel
Fear or dread
We stop existing and start living
Then it feels that always
Love's enough for us growing
Make a better world, make a better world.
Heal the world
Make it a better place
For you and for me and the entire human race.
There are people dying
If you care enough for the living
Make a better place for
You and for me.
And the dream we would conceived in
Will reveal a joyful face
And the world we once believed in
Will shine again in grace
Then why do we keep strangling life
Wound this earth, crucify it's soul
Though it's plain to see, this world is heavenly
Be God's glow.
We could fly so high
Let our spirits never die
In my heart I feel
You are all my brothers
Create a world with no fear
Together we'll cry happy tears
See the nations turn
Their swords into plowshares
We could really get there
If you cared enough for the living
Make a little space to make a better place.
Heal the world
Make it a better place
For you and for me and the entire human race
There are people dying
If you care enough for the living
Make a better place for
You and for me.
Refrain (2x)
There are people dying if you care enough for the living
Make a better place for you and for me.
There are people dying if you care enough for the living
Make a better place for you and for me.
You and for me / Make a better place
You and for me / Make a better place
You and for me / Make a better place
You and for me / Heal the world we live in
You and for me / Save it for our children
You and for me / Heal the world we live in
You and for me / Save it for our children
You and for me / Heal the world we live in
You and for me / Save it for our children
You and for me / Heal the world we live in
You and for me / Save it for our children
enjoy the song
Think about the generations and to say we want to make it a better
world for our children and our children's children. So that they know
it's a better world for them; and think if they can make it a better
come on Sing a Song guys
There's a place in your heart
And I know that it is love
And this place could be much
Brighter than tomorrow.
And if you really try
You'll find there's no need to cry
In this place you'll feel
There's no hurt or sorrow.
There are ways to get there
If you care enough for the living
Make a little space, make a better place.
Heal the world
Make it a better place
For you and for me and the entire human race
There are people dying
If you care enough for the living
Make a better place for
You and for me.
If you want to know why
There's a love that cannot lie
Love is strong
It only cares for joyful giving.
If we try we shall see
In this bliss we cannot feel
Fear or dread
We stop existing and start living
Then it feels that always
Love's enough for us growing
Make a better world, make a better world.
Heal the world
Make it a better place
For you and for me and the entire human race.
There are people dying
If you care enough for the living
Make a better place for
You and for me.
And the dream we would conceived in
Will reveal a joyful face
And the world we once believed in
Will shine again in grace
Then why do we keep strangling life
Wound this earth, crucify it's soul
Though it's plain to see, this world is heavenly
Be God's glow.
We could fly so high
Let our spirits never die
In my heart I feel
You are all my brothers
Create a world with no fear
Together we'll cry happy tears
See the nations turn
Their swords into plowshares
We could really get there
If you cared enough for the living
Make a little space to make a better place.
Heal the world
Make it a better place
For you and for me and the entire human race
There are people dying
If you care enough for the living
Make a better place for
You and for me.
Refrain (2x)
There are people dying if you care enough for the living
Make a better place for you and for me.
There are people dying if you care enough for the living
Make a better place for you and for me.
You and for me / Make a better place
You and for me / Make a better place
You and for me / Make a better place
You and for me / Heal the world we live in
You and for me / Save it for our children
You and for me / Heal the world we live in
You and for me / Save it for our children
You and for me / Heal the world we live in
You and for me / Save it for our children
You and for me / Heal the world we live in
You and for me / Save it for our children
Thursday, June 25, 2009
finally social
heeem yup finally i choose social why and why and what the reasons for me when i choose social? and the answer is yaa because i'm so thinking about my skill in social and social make me so enjoy and survive than science i think, and the important reason is when university come to my life i think social can help me because i wanna be a part in faculty of politic or something part of social (Amin ya ALLAH :D) in my university life so social is so important to me and i believe when 11grade come and i choose social i can be better than now and i believe i can give the best for my parents of course my family and people who can support me so social is my final chooseand i hope i can be the best for me and for the others so give me support yaa and for you all please guys when you wanna choose for your future please listen to your conscience and see your skill because of that i think you can get the best for yourself and can be the best so people can proud of you and when you choose your way please dont' be victim of trend yaa example so many people judge social is not better than science i think it's so FAKE because social and science is so different and social or science have a special skill and can't we equated so guys for the last i wanna give you some spirit for choose with your heart and you wanna see your skill because it's so important for your future and for your way so thx and i'm sorry for my bad advice if you think like that hehe i just wanna try to give you the best guys hmm byeeeeeeeee and see you in the new life haha (lebay zz)
Monday, June 22, 2009
indonesia open
hmm waktu tgl 18 kalo gasalh gue kan emng niat tuh yaa mau ntn ina open and yg diajakin sih bayak tapi yg ikut zzz dikiit buu haha yaudah gapaplah and finally gue cuma sama aliya n izni, si aliya tuh dtg jauh2 dari cilegoon loh ckck niat btt kan emng tapi two thumbs up deh buat dya hehe. sesampainya gue di istora n lebih tepatnya di depan loket tiket tuh yaa yaampuuun rame padet n penuh sesak mau tau kaya apa niih
tiketnya nih hehe
itu org yg diatas bantuin buat ngasih tiketnya
hmm yaa walaupun gitu n dgn perjuangan yg sgt menegangkan kawan kawan haha lebay -.- akhirnya dpt and dgn htm yg masih bisa dibilang sgtlah merakyaaat haha Rp.10.000 loooh hehe
tiketnya nih hehe
hiyaaa yaudah deh yaa abis itu lgsg gue masuk ke istoranya and weeew it's so cool banyak bgt gitu yg dtg hehe jadi semangat deh gue langsung yaudah abis itu bersorai sorai indonesia gitu and yg pasti gue nemuin pemain2 byk bin ganteng bin keren huaaaaaa HAHAHAHA sumpah deh byk hehe and yaudah gue ga smpe abis ntnya cuma smp jam 5 gitu karna byk alesan yg menghauskan pkg jam segitu. selesai juga n pulang kan tuh yaa si aliya krn takut kemaleman nympe rumah yaudah nginep rumah gue hehe itu dya part1 gue ke ina open hmmm why i said par1 yaa krn ada part2 haha gue ntn pas semifinal gitu yg sayangnya ina cuma bisa nglolosin taufik hidayat. di part2 ini gue ntn sama hani n dinda tmen smp gue yaaa bertiga lagi sih emng haha and asal lo tau yaa lebih rame nih penontonnya yaa lebih dari 6000an sih dger2 ckck gila bgt deh emng yaaa.
udh deh gue ntn semifinal and selesai jam 9an kayanya terus krn laper yaudah mcd dulu deh n pulang nympe2 jam stgah 12 haha tapi ga nyesel gue lrn seruuu parah hoho
(maaf ga byk cerita lagi aga lazy soalnya hihi :D)
udh deh gue ntn semifinal and selesai jam 9an kayanya terus krn laper yaudah mcd dulu deh n pulang nympe2 jam stgah 12 haha tapi ga nyesel gue lrn seruuu parah hoho
(maaf ga byk cerita lagi aga lazy soalnya hihi :D)
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
yaaaaaaaaaaa gaul yeeee wkwkwkwk emng deh ngaul gitu kan yee gue sama temen2 hmmm ya di pim gitu, pertama si hani kerumah gue gitu and because gue blm madi yaudh mandi dlu n dya nungguin gue tuh pas gue lagi mandi dya teriak bilang "aay, si andi udh nyampe pim" lah gue lgsg bingung kan si andi (yg ikt nggaul dipim juga hahay) masa jam 11an itu padahl udh nyampe gitu yaudah gue bergerak cepat tuh mandinya and selesai juga lgsg deh capcus ke pim and sesampainya dipim udh deh ktmu andi trus kita muter2 dulu tuh yaaa smpe bingung mau kmna lagi trus pas di AW alawiyah dtg sama adikny beeh mirip eey arab dah emng haha trus kita jaln lagi ke foodcourt and mufi smp juga akhrnya trus nyusul si mirza, andhika, lutfi yaa lumayan deh rame tuh yaa abis itu kita jalan lagi and akhrnya ke xxi beli tiket tpi ntntnya di 21 masa yaa mau ntn aja repot bgt, ga pas sama jamnya lah keabisan tiketlah byk hambatan deh pokoknya, terus dapet juga yg ternyata film sampah kawan2 haha pas udh stgah film calista pun dtg and jadi penonton gelap krn yaa sepi ga byk yg ntn and dya lgsg masuuuuuuk tnp tikeet hahaha yaudh pas gitu kita jaln lagi ke foodcourt buat makan and sempet bernarsis ria so yaaa just wanna have fun lah guys hmm segitu aja yaaaa hahaha bye.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
you so ROCK girl!
wuuuhuuu yeeaah now, fashion is everywhere and anywhere so you must know what you do for your style and for me i know i think hehe (sotoy). i'm so falling in love with Taylor Momsen style yeaah i think she is can be rocker girl but sometimes she is can be cute girl waaw so perfect for me. and i wanna give you a little information about Taylor Momsen.
Taylor Michel Momsen was born on July 26th, 1993 in St Louis, Missouri to parents Michael and Colette Momsen. She began her acting career at age 3 with a national commercial for Shake-N-Bake. The Pretty Reckless is a rock band formed and fronted by Momsen. The band is currently touring with Momsen on vocals, John Secolo on guitar, Matt Chiarelli on bass, and Nick Carbone on drums. The band was to originally be called "The Reckless", but was changed to the The Pretty Reckless for unknown reasons. ok that is the mini biography of Taylor, so surprise because taylor is SEUMURAN sama gue haha, yeaah i'm not kidding she was born on 1993 yeah same with me but her style yaa so make me falling in love and she is my fashion icon for now. enjoy her style yeaah
what do you think? yaa bla bla up to you guys
her legging so hot
love her rocker style
i love her jacket (Y)
sweet but still rock
absolutely gorgeous
what do you think? yaa bla bla up to you guys
weeeeeeeeeew apaan nih yg over?? yaaaa yg over itu gue jadi anak kelas x hmmm so sad but it's so fun of course yaa dibalik itu semua gue kangen ma masa2 pertama masuk sma masih cupu yeee gitu sampe jadi bengal laah and yg pasti semua tuh ngangenin bgtbgtbgt deeh, gak ada lagi yaa x-2? huaaaa byk bgt di x-2 kenangan2 yg bikin gue kadang ya ampuun ketawa2 sendiri gitu krn lo bayangin aja yaa kita tuh udh dipisah sama yg nama nya IPA and IPS. fieldtrip ipa n ips aja dibedain gitu ga kaya wktu kelas x yg bareng2 satu bus trus menggilanya jga brg2 gitu pokonya kebersamaan deh haha. ga mau pisaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!! kenapa sih disaat2 semua tuh udh deket udh slg ngerti udh tau dya tuh gimana and the bla bla kita tuh dipisahin huh kesel deh gue, kalo gini caranya kenapa ga dari kelas x aja udh ada penjurusan?? hey pemerintah! bacalah post saya yg ini n ubahlah sistem pendidikanmu heeey BACA! halah berharap bgt gue zz but guys kita masih satu sekolah kok yaa haahaha ayooo semangat deh angkatan delapaaaan! love you and you and you all (L)(K).
Saturday, June 13, 2009
jalan jalan
yooi deh mameen hahaha gue jalan2 gitu yakan yaaa sama bu maya, anggun, izni, aliya and supir setia tentunya pak tarto. yaa kita emng pertama tuh ditugasin buat ngmbil brg2 dari sponsor kawanku magazine trus yaudah deh berangkat yaaa sepanjang perjalanan si izni beeh "diem" bgt ampe pusing gue yaudah pgen tidur tapi gabisa haha yaah udh pusing pdahal tuh di stgah prjalanan gitu and finally nympe juga, sesampenya di tmpat kawanku itu kita kan dpt yaa tuh 200 mjlh gitu kalo gasalah byk bgt and ngmbil tuh majalah aje bikin pusing deh ribet soalnya but gue sempet foto teteeep haha -.-
naaaaaaaah abis itu ternyata pada kelaperan and bingung gitu mau makan dimana akhirnya bu may tuh ngajak ke cijantung gitu sekalian dya mau ambil baju buat acara wisudaan gitu yaudah deh capcus kita haha and di depan smp sudirman ternyata kan emng bener kata bu maya byk tmpat makan gitu yaudah kita akhirnya makan di tempaaat
after hahaha
tuuuh liat ga kalian hey kawan2 hahaha keliatan bgt yee lapenya gue? ckckck -.- hehe yaaa maklum deh hoho lagian emng toop bgt kok maknyuus deh apalagi tuh sambelnya haha (lah kok jadi curhat) hihi. pokoknya gitu deh yaaa kita tuh akhirnya makan, shalat, ambil bju bu maya, teruuus pulang deh and yaa gue bersama mereka inilooh yaaaa
aliya, bu.Maya, anggun, izni
Friday, June 5, 2009
org frustasi
eeh gini yaa tadi tuh gue berantem ma org frustasi gitu idialaah masa dya ngaku najis gitu deh yaa iiiw ga bgt deh dasar emng org frustasi jadi gitu deh yaa sumpah kesel bgt gue ma tuh org masa bener2 deh udh bego gatau diri lagi haha mampus lo hina bgt sih tmen sendiri dikatain f*&^ trus dikatain monyetlah padahal udh ngebantuin dya susah payah juga bknnya bilang maksih malah ngatain dasae ORANG GILA!
just for my friends :)
this post just and only for my friends. heeey guys please don't be sad and cry about what you get from our school, our school just give you second chance and you must do the best for that chance. heey guys i know you can!! just keep better and keep trying, i know you dissapointed about that haloooo maybe you can be better with that chance come on don't be sad cause when i see you so sad ooh i sad too and feel what can i do for make you smile again and for take your tears?? please don't make me feel like that. i love you guys and i want to see your big and soooo big smile and with that i feel so happy cayoooooo wish you all the best guys love you all. (maybe any some people don't understand about this post but for my school friends especially i know you know what i mean :D)
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
wachaauu arrgh
aaaaaaa kesel nih ah bete zzzzzz ada tuh yaa sekumpulan wahai umat manusia yang ngeselin asal ngjudge org tuh semena mena yeeee gatau aslinya diem aja deh lo lo pada haaah????!! aarrg maaf yaa jadi gini deh gue yaaa maklum org kesel and bisa numpahinnya lewat tulisan so i write this post and like share you know hehe. but i know maybe tuuh sekumpulan org2 just know me outside no inside and maybe they are just jealous with me hoalaaah ada2 aja yeee, walaupun gue bener tapi TETEP aja gue kayannya tuuuh salaah mulu mameen ckck bodo lah yaa just let it flow aja haha asssik dah keep smile aaaaay :D masih byk kok yaa yg ga gitu ma gue hehehehe (udh ah curhatnya hahahaha)
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
pilek binti flu ++ final exam (!)
aduuuuuh gasuka deh yaa gaseneng -.- sakit mameeen ckck padahal kan yaa lagi ulum yaa sakitnya sih emng flu n pilek aja tapi you know haaaaaa tersiksa tauk udh kaya iklan aja kan gue "yg ini mampet yg ini engga" hoalaah bener deh yaaa pas lagi ngrjain soal tuh jadi berisik bgt gue n ga fokus kan yaa huh sebeel zzzzzzzzz mampet deh pokoknya emg deh yaa nih penyakit bikin gue sakit ati bgt huh emng kecil2 caberawit nih penyakit hehe cukup deh yaaa tersiksanya diriku hoho.
hmmmmm oiya masalah ulum huaaaaa kan sekolah gue gaul gitu deh yaa punya ljk sndiri n itu dya padahal yg bikin gue pegel booo but yaudah deh mau gimana lagi masa protes beeh jagoan amat gue yee? hehe. naaah nilai tuuh yaa math hoalah audeh gelap al afuuuu anee wkwkwk yg lainnya hmm wish me luck aja deh yaaa sip kaan yee? hoho
oiya doain dooooooong bsk fisika n b.indo aduh fisika bener2 deh yaaaa gue tuh kalo tuh guru jelasin kadang malah dgerin mp3 wkwkwk maaaaf paaa maafkan saya dari lubuk hati yg paling dalam yaa hehe (jujur bgt deh gue hihi) yaa kena batunya deh nih gue jadi zz kagak ngarti mameeen zz ayolaah temen2 ku bantu saya ok ajarkan saya nanti yaa hehe alawiyah aliyaaaa i need your help please :D so so and so yaaaaa doakan saya okeee hehe muaaaaah deh yg doain gue hehe byeeeeeeeee hoho
hmmmmm oiya masalah ulum huaaaaa kan sekolah gue gaul gitu deh yaa punya ljk sndiri n itu dya padahal yg bikin gue pegel booo but yaudah deh mau gimana lagi masa protes beeh jagoan amat gue yee? hehe. naaah nilai tuuh yaa math hoalah audeh gelap al afuuuu anee wkwkwk yg lainnya hmm wish me luck aja deh yaaa sip kaan yee? hoho
oiya doain dooooooong bsk fisika n b.indo aduh fisika bener2 deh yaaaa gue tuh kalo tuh guru jelasin kadang malah dgerin mp3 wkwkwk maaaaf paaa maafkan saya dari lubuk hati yg paling dalam yaa hehe (jujur bgt deh gue hihi) yaa kena batunya deh nih gue jadi zz kagak ngarti mameeen zz ayolaah temen2 ku bantu saya ok ajarkan saya nanti yaa hehe alawiyah aliyaaaa i need your help please :D so so and so yaaaaa doakan saya okeee hehe muaaaaah deh yg doain gue hehe byeeeeeeeee hoho
Friday, May 22, 2009
character my friends of x-2
hmm this posting especially for you guys :D
IAN : si cover boy versi x-2 nih haha yaa emng tampangnya paling kiyuuut *haha and lumayan diantara lelaki2 x-2 hoho. but if any conversation he can't focus hmm now he can ngurangin tuh problem hehe yes gue dukung yan
RIZA : noodles boy wkwkwk he always eat anything i think hoho and he always say "fool, hanya sugesti or english with fast" hahaha he is so like or very very love with novel or book and he is sleepy boy in class
ALIYA : the nice person i think cause she is very care with her friends and so ready to help friends and yeaah she is so smart and prepare to do something and so proud about it.
ANISA : otak bisnis emng HAHA disekolah aja yaa dia tuh emng bener2 deh ngegunain kecreativannya tuh ke duit jadi yaa wirausaha bgt deh sampe2 dibilang "gausah sekolah deh lo jualan aja" hah but if she draw some picture weeew make me say its cool meeen hehe
HANI : si "pendiam" dari pamulang wkwkwk. nih anak yaa sesuai dgn pengakuannya dya sendiri tuh dya ngaku kalo dya bedaa bgt ma smp dari sipendiam sampe si GELO wkwk. urat malunya kadang dah putus kali yaa bisa asik joget2 dimanapun haha but she is good friend and tmen ngebolang gue hoho
DITYO : BE A MAN! hahahaha kasian tuh anak dibilang klemer mulu yaa abis kadang emng gitu sih hehe tapi dya tuh supir looh yaa kalo lagi jalan kemana gitu gue suka nebeng ma dya wkwk
FARIS : boy from karawang ini yg ngaku2 org berpendidikan haha but aksennya kocak bgt deh masa yaa P disebut F teruus F disebut P lah kok (?) yaa itulah si PARISYH hahaha tmen adu bacot paling ajiiib deh
GISHELL : hmm cilegon girl haha. sering dikatain LEBIH sama mr.Rijal (sing sabar yoo shel hehe) yaaaa yg gue inget dari dya cuma shell masih sama si "gantengku" itu?? haha
HELMY : ini dyaaaa si manis haha sering gue panggil gitu tapi yaa dya cepet bgt ngmbeknya and yg paling ciri khas dya tuh sering deh gigit2 apalah itu yg dya pegang mau pulpen or apakek haha but yeaaah he is so sooooo rajin and good friend laah
MUFI : she is so beautiful girl and usiil parah haha oiya jago ngdance wkwk n pastinya menggila brg dya tuuh asik looh haha
IZNI : yuuup satu lajuardi tau kali yaa nih org haha multitalend bgt boooo udh pinter cantik basket jago yaaa gitu deh cuma terkadang kata2nya suka pedessss hihi
JULIAN : terlalu pendiam utk apapun yaaa diem bgt siiih lo jul ayolaaah jgn terlalu diem hehe but yaah kadang2 dya bisa ngagetin dgn nilai2nya yg ckup bguslah
EIQKO : mr Qatar yaaa haha english nya bgus deh but sometimes kok suka fudul yeeee hehe
WAHYU : si tua yg patut dituakan wkwkwk ampuuun yu hehe yaa dya emng yg paling tua sih yaaa and bandung meeeeeeen haha dikit2 bdg dikit2 bdg yaa maklum org bdg yaaa dya hehe
FITRI: ini dyaaaa si rajin fitri haha saman girl and agak tegas yeee kadang tuh suka nyeremin i think hehe piss fit but you so care with your friends kok haha
RANKGY : pendukung setia MU haha kadang yeee gue suka adu bacot gitu ma dya yaa secara gue liverpool and dya mu haha tapi asik parah kalo diajakin ngbrl soal bola yooo salam sport yee rank haha
ECHA : IT nya beeeh jago to the maxx deh yaaa. si mr obsesi IPA tapi yaaa kemauannya ituloooh krang mas hehe kalo ulangan masa tidur?? disuruh bgun ngaku ga tidur -.- yaa ank gaul depook deh yaa masa ank depok mainnye ampe kemang gmna ga gaul tuuh? wkwkwk and big nose haha oiya gamau bgt ditulis eca pasti lgsg komen deh "pake H woy zzzz"
ASA : he is sooo falling in love with capoeira i think and obsesi to be "L" yeeah L on death note -.-. yaaa so nice friend and so fun to talk with him haha
ANDI : the neeeeeeeeeeeeew boy in x-2 hahaaa hmm ancaman nih dya zz pinteeer booo english math or lain lain pinter waduuuh haha tapi yaa asik kok dya kayanya udh bisa bersosialisasi dgn ank2 unik x-2 ini haha.
yup! itu tadi temen temen gue di sepuluh dua haha unik2 kaaaan? yaaaa emng n itu yg bikin ngangenin bgt pasti love you x-2 and i'm s glad to be part of you guys hehe
IAN : si cover boy versi x-2 nih haha yaa emng tampangnya paling kiyuuut *haha and lumayan diantara lelaki2 x-2 hoho. but if any conversation he can't focus hmm now he can ngurangin tuh problem hehe yes gue dukung yan
RIZA : noodles boy wkwkwk he always eat anything i think hoho and he always say "fool, hanya sugesti or english with fast" hahaha he is so like or very very love with novel or book and he is sleepy boy in class
ALIYA : the nice person i think cause she is very care with her friends and so ready to help friends and yeaah she is so smart and prepare to do something and so proud about it.
ANISA : otak bisnis emng HAHA disekolah aja yaa dia tuh emng bener2 deh ngegunain kecreativannya tuh ke duit jadi yaa wirausaha bgt deh sampe2 dibilang "gausah sekolah deh lo jualan aja" hah but if she draw some picture weeew make me say its cool meeen hehe
HANI : si "pendiam" dari pamulang wkwkwk. nih anak yaa sesuai dgn pengakuannya dya sendiri tuh dya ngaku kalo dya bedaa bgt ma smp dari sipendiam sampe si GELO wkwk. urat malunya kadang dah putus kali yaa bisa asik joget2 dimanapun haha but she is good friend and tmen ngebolang gue hoho
DITYO : BE A MAN! hahahaha kasian tuh anak dibilang klemer mulu yaa abis kadang emng gitu sih hehe tapi dya tuh supir looh yaa kalo lagi jalan kemana gitu gue suka nebeng ma dya wkwk
FARIS : boy from karawang ini yg ngaku2 org berpendidikan haha but aksennya kocak bgt deh masa yaa P disebut F teruus F disebut P lah kok (?) yaa itulah si PARISYH hahaha tmen adu bacot paling ajiiib deh
GISHELL : hmm cilegon girl haha. sering dikatain LEBIH sama mr.Rijal (sing sabar yoo shel hehe) yaaaa yg gue inget dari dya cuma shell masih sama si "gantengku" itu?? haha
HELMY : ini dyaaaa si manis haha sering gue panggil gitu tapi yaa dya cepet bgt ngmbeknya and yg paling ciri khas dya tuh sering deh gigit2 apalah itu yg dya pegang mau pulpen or apakek haha but yeaaah he is so sooooo rajin and good friend laah
MUFI : she is so beautiful girl and usiil parah haha oiya jago ngdance wkwk n pastinya menggila brg dya tuuh asik looh haha
IZNI : yuuup satu lajuardi tau kali yaa nih org haha multitalend bgt boooo udh pinter cantik basket jago yaaa gitu deh cuma terkadang kata2nya suka pedessss hihi
JULIAN : terlalu pendiam utk apapun yaaa diem bgt siiih lo jul ayolaaah jgn terlalu diem hehe but yaah kadang2 dya bisa ngagetin dgn nilai2nya yg ckup bguslah
EIQKO : mr Qatar yaaa haha english nya bgus deh but sometimes kok suka fudul yeeee hehe
WAHYU : si tua yg patut dituakan wkwkwk ampuuun yu hehe yaa dya emng yg paling tua sih yaaa and bandung meeeeeeen haha dikit2 bdg dikit2 bdg yaa maklum org bdg yaaa dya hehe
FITRI: ini dyaaaa si rajin fitri haha saman girl and agak tegas yeee kadang tuh suka nyeremin i think hehe piss fit but you so care with your friends kok haha
RANKGY : pendukung setia MU haha kadang yeee gue suka adu bacot gitu ma dya yaa secara gue liverpool and dya mu haha tapi asik parah kalo diajakin ngbrl soal bola yooo salam sport yee rank haha
ECHA : IT nya beeeh jago to the maxx deh yaaa. si mr obsesi IPA tapi yaaa kemauannya ituloooh krang mas hehe kalo ulangan masa tidur?? disuruh bgun ngaku ga tidur -.- yaa ank gaul depook deh yaa masa ank depok mainnye ampe kemang gmna ga gaul tuuh? wkwkwk and big nose haha oiya gamau bgt ditulis eca pasti lgsg komen deh "pake H woy zzzz"
ASA : he is sooo falling in love with capoeira i think and obsesi to be "L" yeeah L on death note -.-. yaaa so nice friend and so fun to talk with him haha
ANDI : the neeeeeeeeeeeeew boy in x-2 hahaaa hmm ancaman nih dya zz pinteeer booo english math or lain lain pinter waduuuh haha tapi yaa asik kok dya kayanya udh bisa bersosialisasi dgn ank2 unik x-2 ini haha.
yup! itu tadi temen temen gue di sepuluh dua haha unik2 kaaaan? yaaaa emng n itu yg bikin ngangenin bgt pasti love you x-2 and i'm s glad to be part of you guys hehe
wall of fame
hahah why i said wall of fame? hmm yaa emng gitu sih hehe, so yaah krn x-2 itu kelas yg paling special yaaa iseng2 deh yaa bikin wall of fame utk sekedar corat coret and kenang2an hihi. mau liat gaak apa sih yg gue maksud wall of fame itu??
niiiih wall of fame x-2 hehe
hehehe yaa itu dya so yg dimaksud wall of fame sih cuma ttd and kesan or pesan ank2 x-2 plus guru2 gitu yeyaaaa bukan sekedar kain yg di ttd dooang loh ituu cause for me that is the important thing to remember me about anything or something about x-2 hmm agak lebay sih yaa but it's real i will miss you x-2!! love you all :Dwhat happen whit you?
hmm i'm so confuse besause i feel someone has changed... i don't know why tho and i hate it you know
yup hmmm i think my next week is so busy, why oh why?? because my final exam is start and LDKS hahaha for selection to be part of OSIS heehe yaaa jadi gitulah yaaa so wish me luck yaaa. sgt amat butuh nilai bagus buat ulum ini yaAllah tolonglah hambamu ini hehehehe. pokoke saya sibuk hahah tapi teeteeep ol maybe HAHA. yaa segitu aja deh yaa bye.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
oooh noo my flashdisk
huaaaa sedih deh gue zz fd gue masa yaa not responding mulu -.- . gabisa dibuka mameeen huuh kan byk bgt tuh yaa foto2 penting and file2 penting pastinya zzz hari ini kan niatnya mau upload foto eeeh fd nya trouble mulu yaaa diurungkanlah niat saya itu huhu sedihnyaaaa yg tmbh parah laptop gue dibawa kaka gue lagi yaa mau masukin foto2 yg ada disitu juga kan tapi krn dibawa yaaa gabisa lagi bener2 deh sial bgt nih pagi2 juga -______________-
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
IPA? IPS? (dilema -.-)
huaaaaaa confused dilema or blabla -________- why and why? cause binguung saya zzz IPA or IPS nih yaaa.. hoalah gatau dah pilih apa Z jadi yaa setiap ada org berkata bin bertanya sama gue
xxx* : ai, mau masuk mana nanti kelas 2? IPA or IPS?
gue : bahasa dooong yayayaaaa (dgn gaya serilex mungkin)
xxx* : (nih org ckck pilihannya kan cuma IPA or IPS eeh dya malah -____-)
gue : jgn bingung wooy, masalahya gue juga bngung tauuk hehehehe
(*nama disamarkan utk kepentingan smua hoho.)
yaaaa itu lah percakapan gue yang seorang anak sma yg sedang dilema akan hal itu hohoho lebaay zz. udh lah yaa give me some comment aje okeoke? hehehehe byeeeee
xxx* : ai, mau masuk mana nanti kelas 2? IPA or IPS?
gue : bahasa dooong yayayaaaa (dgn gaya serilex mungkin)
xxx* : (nih org ckck pilihannya kan cuma IPA or IPS eeh dya malah -____-)
gue : jgn bingung wooy, masalahya gue juga bngung tauuk hehehehe
(*nama disamarkan utk kepentingan smua hoho.)
yaaaa itu lah percakapan gue yang seorang anak sma yg sedang dilema akan hal itu hohoho lebaay zz. udh lah yaa give me some comment aje okeoke? hehehehe byeeeee
Saturday, May 9, 2009
heey! can you rewind the time?
hueeeeeeeeeeeeee i wish i can rewind the time so i can be better and change about something very very hope about that yeeah i know i can't change it and can't rewind the time so i'm just sad and pray to be not so ambiciuss more but i wanna get back!!
Friday, May 8, 2009
why i post this lyric?????
(eh eh eh oh eh eh eh
eh eh eh oh eh eh eh)
You never cross my mind at all
That's what I tell myself
What we had has come and gone
You're better off with someone else
It's for the best, I know it is
But I see you
Sometimes I try to hide
What I feel inside
And I turn around
You're with --- now
I just can't figure it out
Tell me why
You're so hard to forget
Don't remind me
I'm not over it
Tell me why
I can't seem to face the truth
I'm just a little too not over you
(eh eh eh oh eh eh eh)
Not over you
(eh eh eh oh eh eh eh)
Supposed to fade
What's wrong with my heart?
Shake it off, let it go
Didn't think it be this hard
Should be strong
Moving on
But I see you
Sometimes I try to hide
What I feel inside
And I turn around
You're with ---now
I just can't figure it out
Tell me why
You're so hard to forget
Don't remind me
I'm not over it
Tell me why
I can't seem to face the truth
I'm just a little too not over you
Maybe I regret
Everything I said
No way to take it all back, yeah
Now I'm on my own
How I let you go
I'll never understand
I'll never understand
Yeah, oooh, oooh, oooh
Ooooh, oh
Tell me why
You're so hard to forget
Don't remind me
I'm not over it
Tell me why
I can't seem to face the truth
I'm just a little too not over you
Tell me why
You're so hard to forget
Don't remind me
I'm not over it
Tell me why
I can't seem to face the truth
And I really don't know what to do
I'm just a little too not over you
(eh eh eh oh eh eh eh)
Not over you
(eh eh eh oh eh eh eh)
eh eh eh oh eh eh eh)
You never cross my mind at all
That's what I tell myself
What we had has come and gone
You're better off with someone else
It's for the best, I know it is
But I see you
Sometimes I try to hide
What I feel inside
And I turn around
You're with --- now
I just can't figure it out
Tell me why
You're so hard to forget
Don't remind me
I'm not over it
Tell me why
I can't seem to face the truth
I'm just a little too not over you
(eh eh eh oh eh eh eh)
Not over you
(eh eh eh oh eh eh eh)
Supposed to fade
What's wrong with my heart?
Shake it off, let it go
Didn't think it be this hard
Should be strong
Moving on
But I see you
Sometimes I try to hide
What I feel inside
And I turn around
You're with ---now
I just can't figure it out
Tell me why
You're so hard to forget
Don't remind me
I'm not over it
Tell me why
I can't seem to face the truth
I'm just a little too not over you
Maybe I regret
Everything I said
No way to take it all back, yeah
Now I'm on my own
How I let you go
I'll never understand
I'll never understand
Yeah, oooh, oooh, oooh
Ooooh, oh
Tell me why
You're so hard to forget
Don't remind me
I'm not over it
Tell me why
I can't seem to face the truth
I'm just a little too not over you
Tell me why
You're so hard to forget
Don't remind me
I'm not over it
Tell me why
I can't seem to face the truth
And I really don't know what to do
I'm just a little too not over you
(eh eh eh oh eh eh eh)
Not over you
(eh eh eh oh eh eh eh)
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