Saturday, May 21, 2011

crazy little thing called love (thai movie)

Yesterday I was watching a movie that makes me feel so obsessed. why? because the story is too beautiful to be true. The title is Crazy Little Thing Called Love.

The story is a collection of love stories..

a commoner who likes a hot guy
a girl who's secretly in love with some one
a guy who couldn't court his love interest for his best friend likes her too
a girl who change her self for a certain man
a man who keeps on hurting his love
this is a story about first grade of junior high school student, Nam. She is really ugly with her three best friend who is not far difference as her. She has crush to a first grade of senior high school guy named Shone. Shone is an idol in the school. Nam begins to do a lot of thing to reach him. She follow every step she read from a book. but unfortunately, Shone’s friend is the one fall for her once she becomes beautiful. How will Nam react to Top approach toward her? Will Shone love her in the end?
This is a must and so worth-it movie to be watch. You will not regret it, I promise.
But, there is some part that is missing. I afraid that it will makes me so curious, so that i made extra story to make it sounds more logic and systematical. I have a lot of question i have been wondering since i watch this movie. there are:
  1. Why Shone never show anything that give Nam sign which tell her that he is interest in her?
  2. Why both of them can be so sure of each other feeling so that they still wait until 9 years apart?
  3. What happen in 9 years waiting?
  4. Why they have to wait for a long time to tell each other how they feel?

this is short video bout this movie. enjoy :p

hmm by the way the feeling of being in love for me is such a wonderful feeling. Whether the one you love, loves you too or not, still it's wonderful. It's like magic :D

jogja joga~

HELLO HOLIDAY!!! yeay jogja jogja hahaha setelah sekian lama merencanakan dgn menggebu gebu dan juga penuh ketidaksabaran finally gue bersama 8 org temen gue sampe juga di jogja.oke kita absen satu satu yuk siapa aja makhluk makhluk yg menemaniku selama di jogja
1. namanya hani atau biasa and terkadang temen2 gue manggil dia dgn sebutan mamih?? knp?? ya tanya sendiri aja sama anaknya haha
2. cewe cilegon ini berparas cina hmm gatau dh ya knp jadinya bisa gtu
haha canda shel, namanya gishell dia itu temen 3tahun gue ya mksdnya gue udh 3tahun sekelas sama nih bocah hahaha
3. dia itu cantiiik and kadang suka ga terduga dh apa yg dia lakuin pus modis namanya mufi lucu and asik dh pokoknya dia itu suka bgt sama justin bieber hahaha
4. si mandot. itu panggilannya padahal nama aslinya amanda oke manda buat pendeknya dia ini china sekalii tampangnya and lucu
5. anggun. cewe manis berkerudung ini yaaa suka lemot tapi dia itu pinter kok and yg paling kocak sepertinya orgnya terburu buru haha
6. cowo ini namanya ian dia itu pas ke jogja paling paling rajanya raja galau and manja kayanya abis minta ditungguin mulu bocah pas di bandara haha cias yan
7. andi, sepertinya pas ke jogja dia bawa semua gadgetnya jadi kita juga sibuk minjem gadget dia deh
8. asa, cowo berkulit eksotis a.k.a tidak putih ini menurut gue dia merasa dirinya cool haha gatau deh and gatau knp susah bgt dikalahin kalo main poker eyah -_-

----jadi cerita joga pun dimulai..... pada jam_____ eh bentar deh ini udah kebanyakan tulisan pasti makin boring kan, so gue punya pemikiran bahwa gambar bisa menceritakan sendiri so ini diaaaaa foto2 di jogja selama 6 hari ;)

berang-berang makan coklat.... BERANGKAT!!!
wetss welcome to jogja!!
rumah eyangnya manda yg jadi tempat penginapan kita selama di jogja
ini diaaa kendaraan tercinta kami selama di jogja : TransJogja
alun alun jogja
di candi ratu boko (itu yg busy megang hp namanya Bu Dyah dia guru paling gaul and asik)
ke jogja ga makan gudeg? bagai sayur tanpa garam cuy #halah
ki-ka: hani, asa, ian, manda, andi, gishell, mufi
mufi lg nyoba ngbatik haha
candi prambanan
waiting room at adi sucipto airport (gishell & hani)

putih abuabu-ku selesai...

Everyday is sunday! yap begitulah sekarang yg gue alamin, setelah study hard buat UAN and the result is yeayy gue lulus pluss angkatan gue tercinta (stavanger -red) lulus juga jadi ya 100% hehe. gue pengen cerita nih ya dimana itu sebenernya agak miris bgt kerja keras gue selama 3tahun kuranglah ya ditentuin 60% kelulusannya hanya dgn 4 hari ckck gak worth it bgt and gak adil aja but yaudahlah yg pnting skrg gue udah lulus trus fokus buat kuliah semoga Allah memberikan yg terbaik ya amiiin :D

Tetep tapi ya tangan gue itu emg gatel and gabisa diem kalo udh megang kamera ya jadi walaupun lagi mau uan and istirahat uan teteeeep booo foto sana sini hehe apalagi jaket angkatan gue baru selesai so bisa dipake buat mejeng gtu deh *apesihloay oke enough. ini nikmatilah wajah wajah imut bin kyuttt binti kuuuul teman temanku hahaha -_-
kartu ujian gue --"