Saturday, May 2, 2009

if i feel so bored....

hmm so if i feel bored in my home i just turn on my computer and OL, browsing internet and that's my favorite activites haha oiya maybe every satnite i'm so lazy to go out and hang out or up to you lah so i'm just ol and chat! hahaha if i feel so bored and i chat yes with my teman sepermainan, her name is HANI and yeaah she is "crazy" weeew peace han. i chat with paint and hani started draw some picture that picture is my friend and gue nebak siapa yg hani gambar and sumpah itu bikin ngakak eey hahaha that's so crazy until sakiit peruut haha. hm ini yaa beberapa gambar yg gue printscreen hoho

hmm ini sebagian gambar yg digambar sama si hani

dan akhirnya banyak bgt deh yaa gambar2 yg digambar ma hani, tapi ada juga si diki and echa yg di invite and mereka ikut deh tuh bergembira brsma gue n hani dgn menggambar gambar org haha tapiii yaa gue kan ga gambar2 tuh and yaak akhirnya juga gue ga gambar2 trus pada bilang gambar dong yaa gue gambar apa kek but gue ga bisa booo gambar gue jelek aaah wkwkwk and gue tetep ga gambar akhirnya hehe. yaa that's just my activite if i feel so so so BORED! you wanna try? haha up to you :D

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